2007年7月19日 星期四



姓名彭淑敏(Shu-ming Peng)電子郵件信箱E-mail 資料不公開
畢業系所自然醫學研究所(Institute of Natural Healing Science)
論文名稱(英)Comparison of Heart Rate Variability between Listening Soft Music and Inhaling Bergamot Essential Oil

統計本論文已被瀏覽 3905 次,被下載 2001 次
摘要(中)  本研究主要探討音樂療法與芳香療法對血壓及心率變異的影響。藉由聆聽班得瑞舒緩音樂15分鐘或佛手柑精油200μL噴霧吸入15分鐘,比較實驗前後血壓及心率變異參數的差異。期望聆聽舒緩音樂或佛手柑精油噴霧吸入皆能達到生理放鬆之成效,並且探討聆聽舒緩音樂合併佛手柑精油噴霧吸入同時進行,對生理放鬆是否有加乘效果。研究對象為南華大學日間部學生共114名(男性14名,女性100名),平均年齡20.3±1.5歲。研究類型採隨機分配,實驗組與控制組比較。控制組為靜坐組,實驗組分別為音樂療法組、芳香療法組及音樂療法合併芳香療法組三組。
  各組組內以成對樣本t檢定(paired t-test)比較血壓及心率變異參數,結果顯示靜坐組、音樂療法組、芳香療法組及音樂療法合併芳香療法組之收縮壓、舒張壓及心跳速率,達顯著性下降(p<0.05);正常竇性心搏間期標準差、總功率與高頻功率達顯著性上升(p<0.05)。實驗組三組之常規化低頻功率及低高頻功率比達顯著性下降(p<0.05)、常規化高頻功率達顯著性上升(p<0.05)。
  組間以共變異數分析(Analysis of Covariance, ANCOVA),Sidak事後檢定比較血壓及心率變異參數,結果顯示音樂療法組相對於靜坐組之常規化低頻功率、常規化高頻功率及低高頻功率比具顯著性改變(p<0.01)。音樂療法合併芳香療法組與音樂療法組或芳香療法組比較,血壓及心率變異各參數皆無達顯著性改變(p>0.05)。組間百分比改變量以變異數分析(Analysis of Variance, ANOVA),Sidak事後檢定比較血壓及心率變異參數,結果顯示音樂療法組相對於靜坐組之常規化低頻功率、常規化高頻功率及低高頻功率比具顯著性改變(p<0.01)。
摘要(英)  A randomized controlled trial was conducted to assess the change of blood pressure and heart rate variability in subjects listening to Bandari soft music (music therapy group) for 15 minutes or inhaling vapour containing 200 µL of bergamot essential oil (aromatherapy group) for 15 minutes. A total of 114 undergraduate students (14 males and 100 females, average age of 20.3 ±1.5 years) were randomly allocated to four study groups. Participants in the control group were asked to sit still during the experiment. Participants in the three experimental groups were provided with music therapy, aromatherapy, or mixed music therapy with aromatherapy.
  Results from paired t-tests showed that physiological effects including systolic blood pressure (SBP), diastolic blood pressure (DBP) and mean heart rate (MHR) were significantly decreased within each of the four groups (p<0.05). The Standard Deviation of Normal to Normal Intervals (SDNN), Total power (TP) and High Frequency power (HF) were significantly increased within all four study groups (p<0.05). The normalized Low Frequency (nLF) and LF/HF ratio were significantly decreased within the three experimental groups while normalized High Frequency (nHF) significantly increased within the three experimental groups (p<0.05).
  Changes between the four study groups were analyzed using Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) with Sidak post hoc tests. Results showed that nLF, nHF, and LF/HF ratio were significantly different between the music therapy group and the control group (p<0.01). The blood pressure and measures of heart rate variability were not significantly different between the three experimental groups (p>0.05). Standardized percentage changes were analyzed with analysis of Variance (ANOVA) using Sidak post hoc tests. Significant differences (p<0.01) in nLF, nHF, and LF/HF ratio were found between the control group and the music therapy group.
  In conclusion, sitting still, music therapy, aromatherapy, and mixed music therapy with aromatherapy were found to be effective in reducing blood pressure, heart rate, and promoting SDNN, TP, and nHF. In addition, music therapy, aromatherapy, and mixed music therapy with aromatherapy were found to reduce the sympathetic nervous system activity while elevate the parasympathetic nervous system activity which can lead to a physiological relaxation effect. Results from both ANCOVA and standardized percentage changes showed that music therapy was more effective than the control in leading to a physiological relaxation as indicated by a decrease in the sympathetic nervous system activity and an increase in the parasympathetic nervous system activity. However, no synergistic effect on the autonomic nervous system was observed in the mixed music therapy with aromatherapy group. The findings described in this study can be served as a reference for studies of music therapy and aromatherapy in the future.
關鍵字(中)音樂療法 自主神經系統 心率變異分析 芳香療法關鍵字(英)Autonomic nervous system (ANS) Heart rate variability (HRV) aromatherapy music therapy
第一章 研究背景........................................1
1.1 研究動機與重要性...................................1
1.3 研究目的...........................................6
1.4 研究架構...........................................6
第二章 文獻回顧........................................8
2.1 生理...............................................8
2.2 心率變異...........................................12
2.3 音樂療法...........................................17
2.4 芳香療法...........................................23
第三章 研究方法........................................28
3.1 研究設計...........................................28
3.2 研究對象及場所 .....................................28
3.3 研究工具...........................................30
3.4 研究步驟...........................................31
3.5 資料分析...........................................32
第四章 研究結果........................................34
第五章 討論............................................73
5.1 音樂療法組血壓與心率變異相關性討論.................73
5.2 芳香療法組血壓與心率變異相關性討論.................75
5.3 四組血壓與心率變異相關性討論.......................76
5.4 音樂療法組或芳香療法組與音樂療法合併芳香療法組
第六章 結論............................................79
第七章 研究限制及建議..................................80
附錄一 南華大學試驗計畫志願(同意)書.................92
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口試委員蘇純立 - 委員
辜美安 - 委員
余哲仁 - 指導教授




姓名何毓倫(Yu-lun Ho)電子郵件信箱E-mail 資料不公開
畢業系所自然醫學研究所(Institute of Natural Healing Science)
論文名稱(英)Effects of Inhalation of Essential Oils on Heart Rate Variability

統計本論文已被瀏覽 3250 次,被下載 1298 次
摘要(中)  本實驗的目的在了解使用薰衣草、茉莉、洋甘菊、檀香或佛手柑精油吸入性芳香療法應用於162位健康大學生生理參數的影響。實驗前,受試者先進行心率變異度分析5分鐘,每種精油使用量為0.15mL,以超音波噴霧吸入的方式進行10分鐘的芳香療法,之後再做心率變異度分析後測5分鐘。藉由記錄芳香療法前後的心率變異數值來評估薰衣草、茉莉、洋甘菊、檀香或佛手柑對於自主神經系統的反應,同時亦以佛手柑精油的主要香味化合物乙酸沉香酯,檢驗吸入前後的心率變異度變化。心率變異的測量值包括心跳數、高頻功率、低頻功率與低頻/高頻功率比等。本研究採敘述性統計與配對樣本t檢定比較前後測測量值,並使用單因子共變數分析(One-way ANCOVA)及平均測量值(Δ, %)的〔(後測值-前測值)/前測值〕,再使用單因子變異數分析(ANOVA)比較五組精油間之組間差異。P<0.05表示具有統計上的意義。
  結果顯示:受試者使用薰衣草精油在心率變異測量值中,低頻/高頻功率比(P=0.048)顯著增加,顯示使用薰衣草精油吸入性芳香療法具活化交感神經活性。使用洋甘菊(P<0.01)、檀香(P=0.02)與佛手柑精油(P=0.037) 吸入性芳香療法後,在取對數後高頻功率測量值皆上升,且洋甘菊在低頻功率/高頻功率比(P<0.01)測量值下降,顯示使用洋甘菊、檀香與佛手柑三種精油吸入性芳香療法具有提升副交感神經活性,可達到舒緩放鬆的效果。使用茉莉精油雖然能使取對數後低頻功率提升些微提升,但不具顯著性,顯示使用茉莉精油吸入性芳香療法活化交感神經活性效果不明顯。受試者使用佛手柑精油的主要香味化合物乙酸沉香酯之吸入性芳香療法後,在取對數後高頻功率(P<0.01)測量值及常規化高頻功率(P<0.01)測量值顯著上升,常規化低頻功率(P<0.01)測量值顯著下降,顯示使用乙酸沉香酯成分吸入性芳香療法與佛手柑精油相同,具有提升副交感神經活性的效果。經單因子變異數分析後顯示,薰衣草及茉莉精油具有相同的上升交感神經活性特質;洋甘菊、檀香則具有相同的上升副交感神經活性特質。佛手柑精油雖具有上升交感神經活性特質,但不顯著。
摘要(英)  This research aims to investigate the effects of inhalation of essential oils including lavender, jasmine, chamomile, sandalwood, bergamot, and linalyl acetate which is the main ingredient of bergamot, on the autonomic nervous system. Parameters of Heart Rate Variability (HRV) including heart rate, high frequency signal, low frequency signal, and low to high frequency ratio were measured on 162 university students before and after inhalation of the essential oils. Paired t-test was used to compare pre- and post-test data. One-way Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) using baseline data as the covariates and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) on mean percentage pre-post changes were used to compare the differences between the five essential oil groups. P values less than 0.05 were considered statistically significant.
  Results showed that the low to high frequency ratio was significantly increased (P=0.048) after the inhalation of lavender essential oil, indicating an activation of sympathetic nervous system. Natural- logarithmic transformed high frequency signal was significantly increased after the inhalation of chamomile (P<0.01), sandalwood (P=0.02), and bergamot essential oils (P=0.037), indicating an activation of the parasympathetic nervous system.A significant increase in the low to high frequency ratio was observed after the inhalation of chamomile (P<0.01). Therefore, inhalation of chamomile, sandalwood, and bergamot essential oils could activate the parasympathetic nervous system leading to a relaxation effect. Inhalation of jasmine essential oil led to a slight increase in the natural-logarithm transformed low frequency signal but the change was not statistically significant. Therefore, the parasympathetic nervous system did not changed significantly with the using of jasmine essential oil.
  A significant increase in natural-logarithm transformed high frequency signals (P<0.01), normalized high frequency signals (P<0.01), and a decrease in normalized low frequency signals (P<0.01) after the inhalation of linalyl acetate were observed. This indicated that the inhalation of linalyl acetate could activate the parasympathetic nervous system similar to the results observed from the inhalation of the bergamot essential oil. Results from the one-way ANOVA indicated that lavender and jasmine essential oils could activate the sympathetic nervous system whereas chamomile and sandalwood essential oils could activate the parasympathetic nervous system. Although Bergamot essential oils could activate the sympathetic nervous system, the changes were not statistically significant.
關鍵字(中)心率變異 精油 芳香療法 自主神經關鍵字(英)aromatherapy essential oils heart rate variability autonomic nervous system
第一章 緒論.............................................1
 1.1 研究動機及目的...................................1
 1.2 名詞定義.........................................2
  1.2.1 心率變異度(heart rate variability, HRV)........2
  1.2.2 芳香療法.......................................5
  1.2.3 植物精油.......................................5
第二章 文獻回顧.........................................8
 2.1 心率變異.........................................8
  2.1.1 心率變異度的歷史演進...........................8
  2.1.2 心率變異度的生理意義...........................8
  2.1.3 心率變異度的影響因素..........................11
  2.1.4 心率變異度的臨床應用.........................12
 2.2 芳香療法........................................15
 2.3 植物精油........................................19
  2.3.1 蒸餾法........................................19
  2.3.2 壓榨法........................................19
  2.3.3 油脂萃取法....................................19
  2.3.4 溶劑萃取法....................................19
  2.3.5 浸泡法........................................19
  2.3.6 超臨界二氧化碳萃取法..........................19
 2.4 各精油的化學組成................................20
  2.4.1 薰衣草精油的化學組成..........................20
  2.4.2 佛手柑精油的化學組成..........................22
  2.4.3 茉莉精油的化學組成............................22
  2.4.4 洋甘菊精油的化學組成..........................24
  2.4.5 檀香精油的化學組成............................24
  2.4.6 乙酸沈香酯的化學特性..........................24
第三章 研究方法........................................26
 3.1 研究設計與研究架構..............................26
 3.2 研究對象、材料與場..............................26
 3.3 研究步驟........................................28
  3.7.2 個案權益及隱私權的保護.........................32
第四章 研究結果........................................33
 4.2 芳香療法吸入前後對受試者心率變異度改變之結果....36
 4.3 乙酸沉香酯吸入前後對心率變異度改變結果..........43
 4.4 五種精油組間前後差異比較........................45
 4.5 佛手柑精油及乙酸沉香酯間組間前後差異比較........50
第五章 討論............................................52
 5.4 佛手柑精油及乙酸沉香酯間組間差異討論............57
第六章 結論............................................58
 6.1 結論............................................58
附錄一 受試者基本資料..................................66
附錄二 受試者同意書....................................67
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