2009年10月19日 星期一


黑斑(肝斑) - 台大皮膚部衛教單018

黑斑即是俗稱的「肝斑」(melasma,chloasma),典型的表現是中年女性在兩側臉頰,可以看到整片的淡棕色至黑灰色斑。 因為顏色近似煮熟的食用動物肝臟,所以稱為「肝斑」。 大家常因肝斑這個名詞而誤以為是肝機能不好引起的,事實並非如此。黑斑是屬於表皮性黑色素增加,中年有色人種女性過三十五歲後,如未做好防曬工作,就很容易發生。此外,口服避孕藥或懷孕也很容易發生黑斑。因此,體質因素、荷爾蒙及陽光照射影響著黑斑的發生。


• 外用退斑藥物:以對苯二酚(hydroquinone)﹑趜酸(Kojic acid)、杜鵑花酸azelaic acid)﹑熊果素(arbutin)﹑左旋維他命C (L-ascorbic acid)及維他命A酸(retinoic acids)。其所應用的原理是經由抑制抑制酪胺酸脢(tyrosinase)來抑制黑色素的形成。維他命A酸則兼具有去除角質,而加速舊的黑色素由角質層剝落的作用。目前熱門話題的三合一藥品是對苯二酚、維他命A酸及弱效類固醇。

同時抗痘淡疤、美白退斑的藥物--杜鵑花酸(azelaic acid)

• 維生素C導入法:維他命C本身是極不穩定的,左旋維他命C為發展出的穩定結構。由於離子導入機及超音波導入機機器的進步,可經由導入的方式,利用微弱的電流或用超音波將穩定的維他命C(左旋維他命C)確實導入皮膚中,使維他命C的經皮吸收率便會增加數十倍之多。

•  果酸換膚:果酸換膚使用20%~70%的高濃度果酸溶液﹐去除角質,而能加速舊的黑色素由角質層剝落。醫療通路的果酸乳液(濃度10%以上)次之,市售果酸因濃度較低需要較長的時間。

•  美白保養品:衛生署核可的主要有麴酸(kojic acid)、維他命C(vitamin C)和熊果素(arbutin)的成分,這些主要是用來減少黑色素的生成。



黑斑的治療------馬偕紀念醫院皮膚科 吳育弘醫師 http://www.mmh.org.tw/taitam/derma/Main/07-education/Teach%20files/hyperpigmentation.html

1. 確定黑斑的種類與深淺。 
2. 正確而有效的防曬。 
3. 選擇有效﹑刺激性小的治療方法。 

~ 美白化妝品 
~ 外用退斑藥物 
~ 維生素C離子導入法 
~ 化學換膚 
~ 果酸換膚 
~ 鐳射治療 

1. 確定黑斑的種類與深淺。
第一步要先確定斑的種類, 以決定治療的方式。大部份皮膚科專科醫師可由視診來診斷

分類: 位於表皮層﹐淺的黑斑 
種類 : 雀斑﹑肝斑﹑曬斑﹑咖啡牛奶斑 外用退斑膏﹑
治療方式: 美白產品﹑維生素C離子導入法﹑果酸換膚﹑化學換膚﹑鐳射治療等再配合

分類: 位於真皮層﹐深的黑斑
種類 : 部份的肝斑、顴骨斑﹑固定型藥物疹﹑發炎後色素沉著症﹑太田母斑 
治療方式: 鐳射配合防曬措施

分類: 與黑色素無關的色素沉澱
種類 : 刺青﹑重金屬沉澱﹑藥物造成的色素沉澱 
治療方式: 鐳射分解色素

分類: 其他
種類 : 痣﹑老人斑
治療方式: 視深淺可用化學換膚或電燒﹑手術﹑鐳射


2. 正確而有效的防曬。


~ 紫外線的好處﹕促使皮膚合成維生素D﹐可消滅一些皮膚表面的有害病原菌。 
~ 紫外線的缺點﹕造成曬傷﹑皮膚癌﹑加速皮膚老化。目前認為紫外線的缺點多於優點




成份: para-aminobezoic acid (PABA) 
防止範圍: UVB 
註: 過去最常用﹐但有些人會過敏 

成份: PABA ester (Padimate-O) 
防止範圍: UVB   

成份: benzophenone 
防止範圍: UVA﹑UVB 
註: 只吸收部份UVA 

成份: cinnamates 
註: 部份也有吸收UVA 

成份: salicylates 


成份﹕zinc oxide(ZnO)

成份﹕titanium dioxide(TiO2)

成份﹕red petrolatum


防曬係數(Sun Protecting Factor, SPF) 
~ 膚色會影響對紫外線的抵抗力﹔白人 < 黃種人 < 黑人﹐因此建議不同的係數的防曬
~ 一天內不同時間的太陽紫外線強度不同﹐中午(10~14時)最強﹑清晨及傍晚較弱﹑晚
~ 不同季節及天氣下太陽紫外線強度不同﹐可參考紫外線指數報告。
~ 防水性好的防曬油不易被汗水洗去﹐效果較好﹐但較油膩﹐適合運動﹑游泳用﹐保養

紫外線指數(UV index﹐UVI)






~ 選擇同時對UVA及UVB均有防曬功能的防曬乳液或防曬霜。 
~ 看自己的膚色選擇足夠的防曬係數。 
~ 看自己的膚質(油性﹑中性﹑乾性)來選擇不同基劑及防水性的防曬乳液或防曬霜。

~ 依工作性質﹑每日可能曝曬的時段及時間及不同季節紫外線指數的高低決定使用次數
~ 運動游泳時使用防水性好的防曬油﹐與平時保養所用的防曬乳液不同。

3. 黑斑的治療﹕ 

(1) 阻止新的黑色素生成
(2) 加速舊的黑色素由角質細胞內剝落
(3) 破壞黑色素細胞

屬於美容常見的的退斑成份有﹕vitamin C derivatives(維它命C衍生物)﹑kojic 
acid(趜酸)﹑arbutin(熊果素)﹑mulberry extract(桑椹萃取物)﹑licorice extract(


使用trichloroacetic acid(TCA, 三氯醋酸)﹑phenol等以破壞黑色素細胞。





2009年7月20日 星期一



姓名李宗芳(Tsung-fang Lee)電子郵件信箱E-mail 資料不公開
畢業系所自然醫學研究所(Institute of Natural Healing Science)
論文名稱(英)The affect of Aromatherapy Massage on Weight, Body Fat and Heart Rate Variability in Females

統計本論文已被瀏覽 365 次,被下載 23 次
摘要(中)  本研究主要探討精油塗抹與按摩對於血壓、體重、體脂肪與心率變異之影響。研究對象為南部某大學女學生十二位,年齡21.5±0.6歲,體重59.9±1.2 kg,體脂肪28.8±0.7 %,BMI 23.2±0.3 kg/m2,以植物油(甜杏仁油15ml,薰衣草精油2滴,葡萄柚精油3滴)塗抹於手部及腿部,配合舒緩的按摩三十分鐘,比較塗抹與按摩;按摩後等待30分鐘、60分鐘之血壓、心率變異以及體重、體脂肪等數值的差異,每週進行二次,連續四週。
摘要(英)  This study investigated the effects of aromatherapy massage on the impact of blood pressure, weight, body fat index and heart rate variability (HRV) on university female students of 12 volunteers. The average age was 21.5±0.6 years old, weight was 59.9±1.2 kg, body fat index was 28.8±0.7 % and body mass index (BMI) was 23.2±0.3 kg/m2. Essential oils (sweet almond oil 15ml, lavender oil 2 drops, grapefruit oil 3 drops) was wiped on the hand and leg evenly with 30 minutes relaxation massage, twice a week a total of four weeks in the participants.
  The results showed that systolic blood pressure decreased significantly (p<0.01) after the third week. Mean Heart Rate decreased significantly (p<0.05) after the first week. High frequency power increased significantly (p<0.05) after the first week. Body weight decreased significantly after the first week. Body fat index decreased significantly after the second week. BMI decreased significantly after the first week. The end of four week oil massage, body weight, body fat index and BMI of the participants was increased after one month measured.
  As a result, massaging with essential oils could reduce blood pressure, body fat index and improve the activity of parasympathetic nervous system and relaxing physiological function.
關鍵字(中)副交感神經 體脂肪 體重 心率變異 精油按摩關鍵字(英)aromatherapy massage weight parasympathetic nervous system heart rate variability body fat index
論文目次中文摘要................................ iv
英文摘要................................. v
目次.................................... vii
表目次.............................. x
圖目次................................... xi
中英文縮寫全文對照表.................. xii
第一章 研究背景............................ 1
1.1 研究動機.................... 1
1.2 研究目的......................... 3
第二章 文獻回顧................. 4
2.1 芳香療法.................... 4
2.2 體脂肪...................... 13
2.3 心率變異.................... 16
第三章 研究方法........................ 23
3.1 研究方法架構.................... 23
3.2 研究步驟......................... 24
3.3 研究對象及場所................... 26
3.4 研究工具.................. 27
3.5 資料分析........................ 30
第四章  結果............................ 32
4.1研究對象基本資料........................ 33
4.2第一週之第一次精油按摩血壓、QRS 波、HRV 前後比較…35
4.3第一週之第二次精油按摩血壓、QRS波、HRV 前後比較…42
4.4第二週之第三次精油按摩血壓、QRS波、HRV 前後比較…48
4.5第二週之第四次精油按摩血壓、QRS波、HRV 前後比較…54
4.6第三週之第五次精油按摩血壓、QRS波、HRV 前後比較…60
4.7第三週之第六次精油按摩血壓、QRS波、HRV 前後比較…65
4.8第四週之第七次精油按摩血壓、QRS波、HRV 前後比較…71
4.10體重、體脂肪、BMI之比較................. 87
第五章  討論.............................. 97
5.1 芳香療法按摩與血壓以及心率變異之相關討論........... 97
5.2 芳香療法按摩與體重、體脂肪、身體質量指數相關討論…. 100
第六章  結論................. 102
第七章  研究限制及建議...............104
參考文獻 ........................106
附錄一 南華大學試驗計畫志願(同意)書 ..... 117
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口試委員王璧娟 - 委員
辜美安 - 委員
余哲仁 - 指導教授

2009年7月16日 星期四



姓名吳緒慧(Hsu-hui Wu)電子郵件信箱wushe581107@yahoo.com.tw
畢業系所自然醫學研究所(Institute of Natural Healing Science)
論文名稱(英)The Effect of Inhalation of Lavender Essential Oils on Autonomic Nervous System Function of the Shift-Working Nurses

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摘要(中)本實驗在了解使用不同薰衣草精油成分沉香醇(linalool)與沉香乙酯(linalyl acetate)之濃度比例,進行噴霧吸入15分鐘後,對輪班護理人員自主神經功能之影響。實驗分別各取沉香醇與沉香乙酯之濃度比例0.67%, 0.90%, 1.16% 及10.48% 精油0.3 mL加入200 mL蒸餾水,進行噴霧吸入實驗。研究對象為嘉義市某區域教學醫院加護病房女性護理人員,共計9名,平均年齡為26±3歲,平均體重為55±10公斤,體脂肪為29±8%,實驗後比較實驗前、後之血壓及心率變異,評估不同濃度比例之薰衣草精油成分對自主神經活性的影響。
各組組內以成對樣本t檢定(paired t-test)比較血壓與心率變異值之變化,實驗結果顯示:控制組之心率變異值皆無顯著性差異(p>0.05),實驗組的心跳速率具顯著性下降(p<0.05);總功率、血壓與QRS波,亦具顯著性增加(p<0.05)。因此,本研究結論為薰衣草精油成分中linalyl acetate濃度比例高者,以噴霧吸入15分鐘後,對人體具有生理放鬆的效果。
摘要(英)  This research aims to investigate the effects of different proportion for Lavendula angustifolium essential oils (linalool/linalyl acetate), after inhalation for 15 minutes, on the autonomic nervous system function of nurses working in different shifts. For the study groups, the proportions of linalool/linalyl acetate in Lavendula angustifolium essential oil were 0.67%, 0.90%, 1.16%, and 10.48%, respectively. Eac individual was given 0.3mL of the extract of the above 4 concentrations, mixed with 200 mL of distilled water and then inhaled for 15 minutes. Nine healthy females nurses from CHIA-YI Christian hospital were recruited as the research subjects. Their average age was 26±3 years, average body weight was 55±10 kg and body fat was 29±8 %.
  Heart rate variability (HRV) was carried out before and after the inhalation. Results from paired t-tests showed that there was no significant differences (p>0.05) in heart rate variability for the control group. For the study groups, mean heart rate (MHR), was significantly decreased (p<0.05); the total power (ln TP), systolic blood pressure (SBP), and QRS wave were significantly increased (p<0.05). Changes between the four study groups and control group were analysed using Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) with Sidak post hoc test. Results showed that there were no significant differences between the study groups and the control group (p>0.05 ). In conclusion, the effect of inhalation of different proportions of Lavendula angustifolium essential oils on the autonomic nervous system function was different. Increasing concentration of linalyl acetate in the Lavendula Angustifolium essential oils was found to reduce the sympathetic nervous system activity and elevate the parasympathetic nervous system activity, which can lead to a physiological relaxation effect.
關鍵字(中)心率變異 芳香療法 薰衣草精油關鍵字(英)aromatherapy heart rate variabilities(HRV) lavender essential oils
論文目次論文口試委員審定書 ..............................i
謝誌 .........................................ii
中文摘要 .....................................iii
英文摘要 ......................................iv
目錄 ...........................................vi
第一章 緒論.............................................1
1.1研究動機 ........................................1
1.2研究目的 ........................................3
1.3 研究假設 .....................................3
第二章 文獻回顧 .....................................4
2.1自主神經系統 ..............................4
2.2 心率變異 .................................6
2.3芳香療法 ...................................13
2.4精油 .......................................14
2.5薰衣草 .....................................15
第三章 研究方法 ..........................................19
3.1研究設計 .........................................................................................19
3.2研究對象 .........................................................................................19
3.3研究架構 .........................................................................................20
3.7研究過程 .........................................................................................23
3.8資料處理與分析 .............................................................................23
第四章 研究結果 .......................................................................................25
4.1 研究對象年齡、體重、體脂肪資料分析..........................................25
4.2 精油噴霧吸入前後對受試者心率變異改變之結果......................27
第五章 討論.............................................53
5.2 醫護人員在介入薰衣草精油噴霧吸入後,實驗組之心率變異狀況與對照組之相關性討論..................59
第六章 結論.....................................61
第七章 研究限制與建議........................62
附錄一 受試者基本資料及同意書..............................................73
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口試委員王璧娟 - 委員
辜美安 - 委員
余哲仁 - 指導教授
林俊宏 - 指導教授

2009年7月8日 星期三

玫瑰精油 (Rose Oil) - Dr. George Ku - 2009年7月8日

玫瑰精油 (Rose Oil)  - Dr. George Ku - 2009年7月8日 

月經失調 - Dr. George Ku - 2009年7月8日 

用中國的流行曲旋律,加進外文(英文),成為新的一首歌走進歐美流行榜,再在全世界流行樂壇佔一席位的,例子不多。印象中有兩闕,一是六○年代的Ding Dong Song,由潘迪華唱,改編自董佩佩的《第二春》。另一首是五○年代姚莉唱的,叫《玫瑰啊玫瑰》,又名《玫瑰玫瑰我愛你》,改編成英文的Rose Rose I Love You,在1951年最高曾到過美國流行榜Billboard第三名。在1989年的電影《奇蹟》中,梅艷芳唱黃霑填詞的粵語版本:「完全為你深深入迷,柔情萬縷傾你心底,萬花開放誰最美麗,紅塵獨愛一枝玫瑰」。再追溯上去,是先前龔秋霞唱的《薔薇薔薇處處開》,旋律像是差不多;薔薇和玫瑰,都是同一類花,別名叫「月季」。

玫瑰聽說源自波斯,之後流傳到中東以至全世界。現在全球最大的玫瑰產地是保加利亞,產量佔全球七成,大部分用來做香水。純的玫瑰精油(Rose Absolute)可不便宜,二千朵才能收集到一克,化學名稱是香葉醇(Geraniol)。

香葉醇對很多種婦科病都有補健作用,包括消滅感染陰道的念珠菌(Candida)。念珠菌是一種真菌(Fungus),有兩個完全不同的外形。當營養充足時,念珠菌會像植物的根,在皮膚下蔓延,叫菌絲(Mycelium)。一旦養分不夠,它會轉為一粒粒的念珠酵母菌(Yeast)。香葉醇的功效,在於它能把受感染陰道壁內的念珠菌絲,轉為念珠酵母菌,也就是連根拔出,之後能被沖洗走(Biol. Pharm. Bull., Vol.31, pp.1501-1506;Int. J. Antimicrob. Agents., Vol.31, pp.572-576)。


在這裏,香葉醇作為一個補健食品,能派上用場。它有干擾雌二醇接受體的功能,但不會引致多毛症(J. Pharm. Pharmacol., Vol.54, pp.1521-1528)。


Protective Activity of Geranium Oil and Its Component, Geraniol, in Combination with Vaginal Washing against Vaginal Candidiasis in Mice
MARUYAMA Naho ; TAKIZAWA Toshio ; ISHIBASHI Hiroko ; HISAJIMA Tatsuya ; INOUYE Shigeharu ; YAMAGUCHI Hideyo ; ABE Shigeru 
Citation:Biological & pharmaceutical bulletin, 2008, vol. 31, no8, pp. 1501-1506

In order to evaluate an effective administration method of essential oils for vaginal candidiasis, efficacy of vaginal application of essential oils against murine experimental candidiasis was investigated. The effect on vaginal inflammation and Candida growth form was also studied. Vaginal candidiasis was established by intravaginal infection of C. albicans to estradiol-treated mice. These mice intravaginally received essential oils such as geranium and tea tree singly or in combination with vaginal washing. Vaginal administration of clotrimazole significantly decreased the number of viable C. albicans cells in the vaginal cavity by itself. In contrast, these essential oils did not lower the cell number. When application of geranium oil or geraniol was combined with vaginal washing, the cell number was decreased significantly. The myeloperoxidase activity assay exhibited the possibility that essential oils worked not only to reduce the viable cell number of C. albicans, but also to improve vaginal inflammation. The smear of vaginal washing suspension suggested that more yeast-form cells appeared in vaginal smears of these oil-treated mice than in control mice. In vitro study showed that a very low concentration (25 μg/ml) of geranium oil and geraniol inhibited mycelial growth, but not yeast growth. Based on these findings, it is estimated that vaginal application of geranium oil or its main component, geraniol, suppressed Candida cell growth in the vagina and its local inflammation when combined with vaginal washing.


In vitro activity of terpenes against Candidabiofilms
Stéphanie DalleauabEstelle CateauaThierry BergèsbJean-Marc BerjeaudaChristine Imberta
Citation:Int. J. Antimicrob. Agents.,
Vol.31, pp.572-576

The antibiofilm activity of 10 terpenes was tested in vitro against threeCandida species by 24-h treatment of biofilms aged 1–5 days. Treatment of 24-h-old Candida albicans biofilms with carvacrol, geraniol or thymol (0.06%) resulted in >80% inhibition. Carvacrol (0.03%) inhibition was ≥75% independent of the age of the C. albicansbiofilm. Carvacrol (0.125%) inhibition was >75% against Candida glabrata and Candida parapsilosis biofilms. Geraniol (≥0.125%) and thymol (0.06% or 0.125%) inhibition was >75% against C. parapsilosisbiofilms whatever their age. This study demonstrates the antibiofilm activity of terpenes and points out the exceptional efficiency of carvacrol, geraniol and thymol, which could represent candidates in the treatment of candidiasis associated with medical devices.


Assessment of estrogenic activity in some common essential oil constituents

 (1) ; HOUGHTON P. J. (1) ; BARLOW D. J. (1) ; POCOCK V. J. (2) ; MILLIGAN S. R. (2) ;

Citation:Journal of pharmacy and pharmacology, 2002, vol. 54, no11, pp. 1521-1528 [8 page(s) (article)] (1 p.1/4)

Estrogenic responses have not only been associated with endocrine function, but also with cognitive function. Several studies have indicated that estrogen replacement therapy has favourable effects on cognition, and may have potential in the prevention and treatment of Alzheimer's disease. Thus, ligands for the estrogen receptor, that have a better efficacy and adverse-effect profile than drugs currently available, require investigation. This study was undertaken to investigate the potential estrogenic activity of a number of essential oil constituents. Initially, estrogenic activity was determined by a sensitive and specific bioassay using recombinant yeast cells expressing the human estrogen receptor. At high concentrations, estrogenic activity was detected for citral (geranial and neral), geraniol, nerol and trans-anethole, while eugenol showed anti-estrogenic activity. Molecular graphics studies were undertaken to identify the possible mechanisms for the interaction of geranial, neral, geraniol, nerol and eugenol with the ligand-binding domain of the estrogen α-receptor, using the computer program HyperChem. Citral, geraniol, nerol and eugenol were also able to displace [3H]17β-estradiol from isolated α- and β-human estrogen receptors, but none of these compounds showed estrogenic or anti-estrogenic activity in the estrogen-responsive human cell line Ishikawa Var I at levels below their cytotoxic concentrations, and none showed activity in a yeast screen for androgenic and anti-androgenic activity. The potential in-vivo estrogenic effects of citral and geraniol were examined in ovariectomized mice, but neither compound showed any ability to stimulate the characteristic estrogenic responses of uterine hypertrophy or acute increase in uterine vascular permeability. These results show that very high concentrations of some commonly used essential oil constituents appearto have the potential to interact with estrogen receptors, although the biological significance of this is uncertain.